How we Handle Perfectionism at Ke Kino

Hey everyone, I wanted to share something that has been on my mind lately: perfectionism. It’s something that many of us consider to be a gift because it pushes us to strive for excellence and achieve great things. But what if I told you that being a perfectionist isn’t always the best approach?
I’ve come to realize that in order to fully harness the power of perfectionism, we need to learn how to counteract it with a state of zero. Let me explain: imagine the highest level of perfectionism we’ve ever experienced as a 10, and then imagine zero as the most quiet and peaceful place we’ve ever been. At Ke Kino we call this process ‘Finding Zero.’
Finding Zero is all about finding that perfect balance between striving for excellence and finding inner peace. It’s about learning to let go of the constant pressure to be perfect and instead embracing a state of calmness and tranquility. We use massage techniques to produce accelerated access to zero.
At Ke Kino we focus on the autonomic nervous system, which needs to be regularly ‘cooled off’ in order to achieve this state of zero.
I believe that by incorporating these techniques into our lives, we can learn to embrace our perfectionism while also finding inner peace. So, if you’ve ever struggled with perfectionism like I have, I encourage you to join me on this journey of finding zero.
Let’s strive for excellence, but let’s also learn to find peace within ourselves. Together, we can achieve great things while maintaining our sanity.
John James- Owner Ke Kino