Benefits of Massage Therapy CEU (Continuing Education Units)

I have a confession: as a student studying massage therapy I often experience a lot of anxiety around

feeling like I haven’t yet gained enough knowledge to be an effective therapist, or even worse, that I

don’t even know what I’m doing. And let’s face it: I’m not the only student that feels this way and, after

asking around a bit, it seems that even therapists with years of practice behind them can still experience

this. When I’m honest with myself though, I must acknowledge that these feelings are coming from the

ego mind—outside of a place of mindful connection with my mission to be a facilitator of healing. Sure, I

need the practical knowledge of anatomy and physiology, indications and contraindications, effective

massage techniques; but the reality is that the most important thing in my practice are the humans on

my table and the intention I approach the massage session with as a facilitator of healing. Stepping away

from the ego mind and observing this journey I’m on as a massage therapist has allowed me to witness

the education I’m receiving with child-like wonder: to stand in awe of the magic that is possible when

facilitating full-body releases with gentle and intentional techniques. Continuing education at Ke Kino

has played a massive role in broadening my perception of bodywork and heightened my feelings of

competency as a therapist. Backed by her 12 years in the field, and her master-level Reiki attunement,

Marni Matyus’ Myofascial Release and TMJ Dysfunction classes have equipped me with tools that have

redefined my palpation skills, changed my view of deeper work by introducing me to very gentle yet

effective ways to save my wrists and thumbs while accessing deeper muscles—with no pain for the

client—and most importantly, provided me with skills to start incorporating intention and mindful

intuition into the dance with tissues I engage in with the bodies on my table. Other CE classes offered at

Ke Kino are Myofascial Cupping and Scar Tissue Release, Muscle Energy Techniques, Reiki attunements

from Level 1 to Master, Balancing the Pelvis, with more classes in the works. Whether one is a student new

to the field of bodywork, or a seasoned practitioner looking for fresh ways to enhance their practice, Ke Kino’s

passionate and skilled CE instructors have valuable insight to bring to the table, so long as one is willing to

mindfully come in with an open mind and heart.

Call now to experience the benefits of continuing education at Ke Kino Institute of Healing for yourself!