Sport / Orthopedic

Sports / Orthopedic
Massage therapy can help because poor performance and injuries are primary breakdowns for athletes who aspire to perform their best at any level of competition. Use massage, bodywork, exercises, and practices tailored to your sport, position, and season to increase the longevity and enjoyment of your career, and help to prevent injury and pain in the future. At Ke Kino, we specifically use Muscle Energy Technique (MET). MET is a system of techniques that can activate, deactivate or re-educate muscles, muscle fibers, or groups of muscles to bring balance back to the neuromuscular system. All from massage therapy.
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We are friendly and available to chat. Reach out to us any time and we'll happily answer your questions.
Business Hours
Monday 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
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